位于开发区鸿越大道,主要从事铝型材研发制造、门窗幕墙优化设计及制作安装服务等,拥有从熔铸铝棒、型材挤压、表面处理到门窗幕墙设计、制作安装等完整的垂直产业链体系。公司先后取得百余项研究成果及专利,获得 “安徽名牌”、“安徽出口名牌”、“安徽省著名商标”、“高新技术企业”等殊荣。
联系人:骆飞 13665602999
The company is located at Hongyue Avenue in the Development Zone. The company is a high-tech enterprise, covering the development and manufacturing of aluminum alloy sections, and the optimized design, fabrication and installation services of doors, windows and curtain walls. It owns a complete vertical industrial chain system from casting aluminum rod, extruded section, and surface treatment to the design, fabrication and installation of doors, windows and curtain walls. The company has made hundreds of research achievements and patents, gained the awards of "Anhui Famous Brand", "Anhui Famous Export Brand", "Anhui Province Famous Mark", and "High-tech Enterprise" and so on.
Contacts: Luo Fei 13665602999